For this week’s topic, I decided to focus on the difference between manual and automatic setting in the camera. One of the major differences is, manual is fully controlled behind the person using the camera, where the automatic setting is fully controlled by the camera. In manual, you’re able to control the shutter speed, ISO, and aperture. While you do have to work at understanding how to use the controls, eventually you’ll be able to get to more depth out of your photos (which is the goal). Manual also offers more creative opportunities and control when compared to auto as you’re able to set the camera to what you want.

What is shutter speed, ISO, and aperture?

Shutter speed – aka the exposure time is the amount of time the camera shutter is open which allows light to enter.

ISO – a setting within the camera that is sensitive to light.

Aperture – how much light passes through the lens.

This week, I decided to test out manual mode on my dog. Which I soon realized that working manual mode on a moving subject is much harder than a still subject.  Notice below the left photo is more clear than the right photo. I was able to make this photo more clear by adjusting the shutter speed, ISO, and aperture.

Left photo in manual mode and right photo in auto mode – Image by Author

Featured Image: Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash

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1 Comment

  1. allienaayer

    Hi Jessica!
    Thanks so much for your blog post, it was super interesting to read! I also loved seeing your dog, it’s so cute! Let me know his/her name! Using your dog to model how manual mode works was also so smart, and super informative. I can’t wait to follow your photography progress!

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