For this week’s inquiry post, I decided to investigate some photography apps. I thought this would be a great idea as finding good photography apps to use for editing or even creating videos is hard. Especially since many apps want you to pay for all the different features. With that said, I have found some great apps that can be used for editing and taking photos! While I’ll only list a few, please feel free to leave any apps you find use or find useful for photography.  


VSCO – This app I have had since I was in middle school, and I’ve seen this app change throughout the years. That said, I would still recommend it to everyone as it is super user friendly once you get the hang of it. This app is free to use but you can pay for a membership to get more filters and access to different camera styles. This app is quite like Instagram in a sense where you can follow people and post your photos. However, you do not need to post any photos on your account and can instead keep edited photos as drafts. While I won’t be linking my VSCO on my blog, I will attach the link to the website as well as show a demonstration of how you can edit a photo. 

VSCO editing by Author
Final Product – by Author

Picsart – Something super neat about this app is that not only does it let you edit your photos. It also has many different special features you can add to spice up your picture. I found this app back in middle school when my cousin and I were getting into adding special features to our images. Quite similar to VSCO in a sense where you can upload your pictures/templates online and let other people see it or try it out. If you do want to have access to more of the features, you do have to pay an extra $ for it.  Still I recommend this app as you can do a lot with the free features!

How I created the edit for my feature photo!

Taking Photos 

Huji – Have you ever seen accounts on Instagram where people only have an Instagram huji account? Well, this is the app that takes all of those photos. The app is set up just like the disposable film camera but for digital use. Once the photo is taken it gets sent off to the Lab where you can see your digital film photo you just took. One awesome thing about this app is that it is completely free!  

How to take photos on the Huji app
Product from the Huji app

Lens Buddy – This app is very similar to the photography app provided on the iPhone but has some other features that apple does not include. I’ve used this app multiple times to take group shots as you can set it to a certain number of times for the photo to be captured as well as a timer in between.  

Showing all of the different features to this app

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  1. yirehpark

    Yay! Thank you for another feature Jessica! Personally, I love using Vsco, but I don’t think I’m very good at editing my pictures. I have no idea what half the settings mean. I really love the Huji app too! I had an obsession with it back in high school and your post is taking me back. What is your favourite photo app out of all of these?

    • Hi Yireh,

      I think my favourite by far is VSCO lol. I’m just used to the formatting so it makes my life easy when it comes to editing my pictures. Of course, they are not always perfect but I love to play around with the app!

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