Looking through my camera roll, over half of the photos I have taken are landscapes. Either trying to catch a picture of a sunset or a view of the ocean, just trying to remember that view forever. Most of them are done through my phone as it is quick and convenient to take a snap of what I am looking at. This week I decided to go over to Mount Doug Park and take some landscape photos. This also provided me with a much-needed brain break as my brain has been working double time with all the assignments we need to get done.
I was hoping to catch a nice sunset but looking over at mysunset app it said the sunset would be around 28% (quite low). Therefore, when I arrived, I was just hoping to catch whatever nature had to offer me! The sun now goes down at 4:30pm, which is quite early. I arrived at 4 o’clock with my warmest coat and toque ready to take on our current weather (6 degrees).
One thing I did not realize was how scary it is to climb rocks with an expensive camera. Every time I took a step up or down, I was terrified I was going to drop it. Lucky for me I didn’t! Anyways I hope everyone enjoys the photos 🙂
Feature Image: Photo by Author
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